Pre-Megabattle skirmishes - Dick vs Jeff and Kim vs SJ
Emp looking over the Cygnar vs Legion of Everblight battle
SJ getting his Trollbloods ready for the Megabattle
Kim's Khador all in the middle
The impromptu Fog of War deployment mechanism
The "fog" is lifted
Jeff's eStryker, SJ's Borka and Dick's eLylyth
Patrick's Garryth, Kim's pButcher and Brian's eHoarluk
The mad rush to secure the No Man's Land!
Jeff watches on as his companions jockey for position
End of eStryker/Borka/eLylyth turn 1
What do we do now?
Nice! They seem to not know what they want to do LOL
The Garryth/pButcher/eHoarluk counter offensive - mad surge forward, too!
One can just imagine all these armies fighting over Garrick Voyle's grave LOL
Dick uses his Legion to gain ground extremely fast
There's a big, bloody cannon in the center!
Turn 2, Team A takes the center!
Turn 2, Team B feints and pButcher and Garryth head straight for eStryker!
Team B's Dire Troll speed bump
pButcher's Drago and Kodiak intent on breaking eStryker's Storm infantry!
eHoarluk's Dire Troll Earthborn successful in bringing down Borka's Krielstone Bearers
Fearing a burst shot from Thunderhead, Retribution infantry rush to support eHoarluk
Mangsky makes his appearance, overseeing the tide of the battle
The Cygnar line finally breaks!
Borka's Long Riders hunt down eHoarluk!
Garryth finishes off eStryker!
pButcher - Team B's Plan B, in case eStryker survives Garryth's assassination attempt
Aftermath of the battlefield
Another view of the battlefield, after winding down