Gators of voracious appetites, the massive blackhide wrastlers can easily drag the mightiest foes down to be shredded in a flurry of teeth and claws. They are also highly territorial beasts that glide through the swamps and shallows to sink their teeth into anyone who wanders close to gator-held land.
Product Information
Base Size: 50mm
PIP Code: 75023
Price: $39.99*
Model Count: 1
Packaging: Box
Release Date: October 20, 2010
Release Date Status: Tentative
Blackhide Wrastler
Stats: Same as a Dire Troll Mauler with 1 less Fury, and 1 more ARM. Costs the same.
Weapons: 2 claws at the POW of a Hydras fists. One bite at the POW of a Phoenix's sword
Rules: Amphibious, Man Eater and Snacking.
New rule: Wrastler - when this model is knocked down it can still attack, engage, be engaged and use its animus.
*Attack on the bite - Deathroll. When the attack hits, both models can be knocked down. If this is done the damage roll is boosted.
Animus- same RNG and cost as a Shredders. Target knocked down model immediately stands up.
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