The favored warjack of Kommander Strakhov is a relentless engine of destruction. Virtually nothing can prevent Torch from reaching its target; it burns and batters enemy troops from its path, while its whirling saw and pounding fist reduce warjacks to scrap. The massive ’jack can charge through forests, thick undergrowth, or the corpses of its felled enemies as easily as it moves across an open field.
*Players will need a Khador Heavy Plastic Warjack kit (PIP 33063) in addition to the upgrade kit in order to build Torch.
Product Information
Base Size: 50mm
PIP Code: 33082
Price: $9.99*
Model Count: 1
Packaging: Blister
*Product information and prices subject to change
Love the red you got on these guys. Particularly Sorcha looks grand. Don't suppose there's a tutorial or paints guide?