Some few anuras, a frog-like race commonly called “croaks” for their distinctive throaty calls, have made their way from the Shattered Spine Islands to chase both prey and adventure. The scouts and explorers known as hunters have developed a strong relationship with the gatormen of the Blindwater Congregation and will not hesitate to take up arms alongside these newfound allies. Croak hunters stalk their enemies from hidden positions before attacking them with spears dipped in deadly mixtures of natural poisons, including the toxins secreted by their own skin.
Product Information
Base Size: 30mm
PIP Code: 75026
Price: $11.99*
Model Count: 1
Packaging: Blister
Release Date: October 20, 2010
Release Date Status: Tentative
Croak Hunter
Stat line: As a Troll Impaler.
SPD +1
STR -3
MAT/RAT each +1
DEF +1
ARM -2
5 HP
Weapons: Spear and thrown spear. Same as impaler, adjusted accordingly for Strength. The spear also has poison.
Who will he work for? All Hordes armies
What rules? Advanced Deployment, Immunity Corrosion, Pathfinder, Stealth.
Amphibious, Hunter, Vitroil (as per Slag Troll), and Gang Fighter (gang with friendly faction warrior models).
They cost what Paladins cost and you can take 3 of them per warlock.
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