Some mercenaries fight for a lost home, for revenge, for adventure. Drake MacBain fights for coin. No mission too dangerous, no battlefield too bloody, he'll work for any of the warring nations of the Iron Kingdoms without moral qualm. MacBain fights with the gritty determination of the hired professional and will let nothing stop him from the completion of his contracts. He is the consummate mercenary and has the tools to finish any job.
Product Information
Classification: Warcaster
PIP Code: 41073
Price: $11.99*
Model Count: 1
Release Date: June 16, 2010
*Product information and prices subject to change
Feat: True Grit
Choose a number of friendly non-warcaster Faction warrior models currently in MacBainʼs control area up to the number of focus points on him +5. When a chosen model is disabled, it heals 1 damage point and is knocked down. True Grit lasts for one round.
Mercenary - This model will work for Cryx, Cygnar, Khador, and the Protectorate.
Gang Fighter - When making a melee attack targeting an enemy model in melee range of another friendly Faction warrior model, this model gains +2 to melee attack and melee damage rolls.
Unyielding - While engaging an enemy model, this model gains +2 ARM.
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