The blood hags lead their sisters in the most hallowed rites: sacrificing the males born to the Satyxis, initiating the girl children into the cruel ways of the Satyxis, and conducting the auguries that steer the fate of their people. Decades of practice in these corrupt traditions grant the hags unparalleled skill in their art. Leading blood witch covens, they bestow their dark favors upon their sisters. Their very presence leeches the vitality of their enemies, and the most potent of their invocations can temporarily make the bodies of the hag and her followers into blood-hued wraiths who laugh at the impotent weapons of their enemies.
Product Information
Base Size: 30mm
PIP Code: 34073
Price: $9.99*
Model Count: 1
Packaging: Blister
Release Date: June 16, 2010
Release Date Status: Actual
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